Saturday, 28 December 2024

2024: the Year in Reviews


This is a consolidated list of the reviews I wrote over the course of 2024. One of the goals I set myself in January was to punch out twenty reviews over the course of the year. Well, that didn't happen. I did manage ten, which is not nothing, but it's not twenty.

As I've said here before, reviews are the most popular posts on this blog. But they are also the hardest things to write, requiring multiple play-throughs of a game and some deep consideration of the mechanics and whether it manages to do what it sets out to. They take time and bandwidth, two resources I've had in lower supply this year. 

I remain committed to playing a game at lease three times before I'll approach a review; I don't think a game should be judged on one bad (or good) experience with it. I still have about four incomplete reviews I had hoped to get up onto A Fast Game this year (including Brothers at War, 1862 (Compass Games, 2022) and Napoléon 1807 (Shakos, 2020), the follow-up to Napoléon 1806, featured below), but I guess you'll have to wait 'til January for them.

So, for your edification, please find below a handy collection of links, alphabetised, of reviews that appeared in this blog over the course of the last year. You can find a list of A Fast Game's first year (2023) reviews here.

2024 Reviews

1944: Battle of the Bulge (Worthington Publishing, 2020)

300: Earth & Water (Nuts! Publishing, 2021)

Brief Border Wars (Compass Games, 2020)

Commands and Colors: Medieval (GMT Games,2019)

Commands and Colors: Napoleonics (GMT Games, 2010)

Hold the Line: the American Civil War (Worthington Publishing, 2019)

Napoléon 1806: La Campagne de Prusse (Shakos, 2019)

Napoleon Returns, 1815 (Worthington Publishing, 2020)

Undaunted: Battle of Britain (Osprey Games, 2023)

WWII Commander Volume 1: Battle of the Bulge (Compass Games, 2020)

Thanks for coming on the journey these last twelve months, and I hope you'll stick around for the next year (or come back in twelve months for the 2025 Year In Reviews post). 

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