Thursday, 30 May 2024

State of Play: a break in transmission



So, my wife tested positive for COVID last Tuesday, and after a couple of days of feeling less than vital, I’ve finally tested positive today (Friday) as well. At the prospect of being stuck at home for a week I thought, “Great more time to get some games to the table.”

That, is seems, was a bit on the hopeful side. I can’t concentrate enough to absorb new rules, or, as it happens, write much, either. I can just about handle maintenance work, so I’ve finally completed punching and clipping Under the Southern Cross (GMT Games, 2023) and I’m working through The Dark Summer: Normandy, 1944 (GMT Games, 2021), with the intention of playing it for the eightieth anniversary of the D-Day landings. If I have the energy, I’d also like to pull out 1944: D-Day to the Rhine (Worthington Publishing, 2022), but I don’t want to commit to too much; this is my second COVID rodeo, and I remember how haggard it left me last time for about a week after my official "recovery" date.

My goal for early June. The reprint is on GMT P500 List and needs some love.
There's also an unboxing post here if you're still on the fence.

So, I’ll probably be quiet at this end for maybe a fortnight. I’m about half-way through writing one review and have begun another, but I don’t see myself getting back to either of them for a couple of weeks, so you’re just going to have to wait.

In the meantime, I can tell you that, after fifteen months of posting, A Fast Game broke the ten-thousand unique views at around the beginning of March. I know that’s about half of the number of views The Player’s Aid blog gets each month, but I’m happy with the progress.

So, this is also a thank you to the regulars that check in, as well as the occasional visitors, and a big thank you to Rachel at GMT Games for featuring some of the GMT-related posts from A Fast Game on the product pages and in the newsletter. Without that extra exposure I might be getting up to ten-thousand views around the end of 2024.

And thank you to everyone for the words of support and the endorphin-raising “likes” on the reviews I post to Facebook occasionally. Having started it, I’d probably be writing A Fast Game if I only had ten or twelve views per post, which for the first couple of months, I did. But having more readers is nice too.


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