Saturday, 25 May 2024

Public Service Announcement: GMT's 2023 Replacement Counter-sheet spares - free to good home


This is something I meant to do a few months ago and it slipped off my radar. I sprang for GMT's replacement counter-sheet. While there were enough replacement counters for games I had already to warrant the purchase, there were also a bunch of counters that I didn't need. I posted on Facebook to my local (Adelaide) group and got a couple of takers, but I still have replacement counters for the following games:

Barbarossa: Army Group Center (7 counters)

Clash of Sovereigns (11 changes, around two-dozen counters all up)

Great Battles of Julius Caesar Deluxe Edition (3 counters)

Next War Supplement #3 (2 counters)

Seas of Thunder (26 counters)

Stalingrad ’43 (1st edition) (2 counters)

Vietnam 1965-1975 (1 counter)

If anyone would like some of these, leave a comment on this post with your contact details (if you're leaving an email address write (at) in the middle instead of an @ sign - a small security precaution - and I'll work it out), and I'll get in touch. I couldn't bring myself to throw them out, so I'm happy to mail them anywhere in the world free of charge (regular air mail, nothing fancy, but I'll take precautions to make sure they should survive the trip). 

First in, first served.


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