Monday 27 February 2023

State of play: Commands and Colors: Ancients (Himera, 480BC)


Game at T’s place this week, and the second C&C:A Greece and the Eastern Kingdoms scenario, Himera – 480BC was set up and ready to go. I settled down for a defensive action, playing the Carthaginians under Hamilcar (obviously not Hannibal’s brother, Hamilcar – an earlier namesake), while T took the role of the treacherous Syracusan force.

T opened with a strong offense on both sides of the battlefield, but couldn’t get his cavalry up as quickly as detailed inn the historical note (I was hopeful this would be the case as I had one of the “Cavalry Charge” cards in my opening hand). Given what cards I’d received I had to maintain a defensive posture right through the game, only getting my chariots up near the end. For several rounds we sat a five-all, the sixth banner eluding both of us. Too many of T’s attacks on both flanks broke against my rampart fortifications, denying him what should have been a swift victory. Still, he had managed to breach my defensive line on my left and all hope seemed lost. 

At the last, my reduced heavy chariots were able to eliminate T’s retreating medium infantry for a win that could have easily gone in favour of the Syracusans.

It's these knife-edge games that are the most satisfying. Final score: Carthage 6 banners to Syracuse’s 5.

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