Tuesday 28 March 2023

State of Play: Undaunted: Normandy (3/6)


Just a quick update. Monday night T and I returned to the bocage for the third scenario of Undaunted: Normandy, Raid Across the Canal. A slight change to the feel of the scenario with the objectives for both sides simply being the acquisition of victory points through securing various points on the map. To be fair, US forces begin at a slight advantage, already holding a 2-point position as their spawning tile. The Germans (under T’s command) did everything right and probably should have been able to take the day. I had a lucky suppression shot with one of my machine-gunner units, tying up his rifle squad long enough to give me a slim advantage, and a lucky break with the last card draw allowed me to position my own rifle squads to claim control over the two terrain sections I needed to claim victory. Had it not been for that lucky draw, the day could have easily gone to the Germans.

I think we are both really enjoying the game. It’s definitely a wargame, and it emulates a lot of factors of squad level actions in a simple but functionally realistic way, but with its level of abstraction, Undaunted: Normandy is probably the gamiest wargame T and I have played together (with the possible exception of Battle Line). The deeper I get into the play of Undaunted, the more I respect the design decisions that went into putting the game together. I’ll Try to get some thoughts together for a review some time soon.

Meanwhile, I’m thinking about changing it up next week and introducing another 6x6 game to the mix; T is getting too good at the ones we’ve played so far for any confidence of a win.

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